Marine Food Web

Marine Food Web

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Before decomposers can do their job, scavengers feed on the carcass. Scavengers in the ocean include some types of gulls. On the land, you may have seen vultures or crows scooping out some meat from a roadkill. Basically, gulls or other scavengers in the ocean biome would feast upon the dead animal like the example on the land. Scavengers help keep the marine biome a nice, neat place to be proud of by its inhabitants. You could also think of scavengers as janitors. Once the scavengers are gone, the food chain would become like this: energy source<-- producer<-- primary consumer<-- secondary consumer<-- decomposer. Even though scavengers may not see important, these critters are. Soon, many carcasses and bones would be lying around, for the decomposer to decompose. This sight would not make the inhabitants of the marine biome proud. These decomposers would have to work overtime, making it hard on them. With scavengers in the food chain, the marine biome is neatly kept.

1 comment:

  1. Silvia Jacinto, you a weird lady. (No offense.)
